Thursday, August 20, 2009
Closing the door...

Saturday, August 15, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
LIFE - So much to it...
WHAO! Got sooooo much say!! So lemme break it down...first of all...
Nija gist - Met HTB and HIM...but didn't get chance meet Tallie (for those of you still confused with the nicknames, refer to old post...thank you!). Saw my mom (still thinking on name call her with...mommy, mom, momcy, all clichés to me..) anyhoos...we fought like every second, still need work on how interact with one another I guess..then of course my cousins were driving me crazy!! But didn't really budge! All in all shaa was GREAT trip...had enough hanging outs..maltina's..suya..went to almost all the new restaurants opened (well those I didn't know of on my last visit)..was pampered to the max! Going back this time next year... hopefully :P
Death - It's been crazy! It was as if almost everyone I knew was dying..my good friend committed suicide..my step-grandma (popcys step-mother) dead..that's only to name a few...and top it all, two weeks ago my grandpa (step mom's father) died IN MY ARMS..first dead body I EVER saw, was of his wife... first DEATH I saw, was his! It wasn't easy for us at ALL!!!!!
School - Finals are here...then ten days break, then summer school of two months...then freedom of seven weeks ...which only means ONE thing...enough rock-ness!! YEA! Plus all my dorm friends are crashing at my crib coz the dorms get closed during summer... Picture four girls in a thirteen bedroom house, two drivers to our disposal, four house helps (no need get up cook, foods always on table) enough pocket money and NO curfew!! Damn!!!
Love - HIM and I still have the hots for each other... crazy complicated love story there :P HTB set a time frame for OUR BIG DAY ..and am practically going insane with arrangements!! Tallie didn't see me, but claims be coming in July... another ex of mine wants come in few days too (though we didn't really have a relationship, coz I didn't love him back then)...HIM wants come in July too...HTB is transiting through here for three hours,on his way to Dubai,tomorrow...I only pray they come one after the other or else am forced to lie and go 006 dodgey-style :-s A few school mates of mine are sending signals and two are asking for a date..YAKS!
Normal Doings - Got A full house..step mom's cousin and her six year old SNOBBY RUDE daughter are here...then later popcys cousin came with her CUTE very SMART two year old GIRL! Plus my bestie just left after like an eight days visit.. but coming back for whole month next week YEAPY!
Lemme not make this a longer post than necessary... more gist to come...coz you know me, DRAMA QUEEN :P
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Would be Back Soonest...
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Going back to my roots...

I was bummed when my stepmom was preparing and all for her trip to Nigeria, and I couldn't go...Apparently all I had do was say the right words to popcy, pray, nag, ask with the sweetest/babyest voice I can find (almost faking a tear...) and vuwala! Accepted! Am going to Nigeria!!!!!!!!! First time in YEARS!!! Don't know what expect...Who's dating who? Who's doing what? Who’s married who? Who’s giving birth to what/who? Who’s eloped where? Who's eating/ate what/who?! LOL! What has changed so far? What has not! Abundant questions!!! Among many things am dying for, seeing HTB top's them ALL (been five months), spending the new currency as another (only saw it, but never spent it per se :P), drinking ALOT and enough mult's (a.k.a Multina - missed that thing like HELL!) till I can't any more, would also be seeing Tallie and HIM (coz he's flying in too - but made his plans before me o!)....anyhoos, am still packing and too excited sleep...only ONE thing seems to wan ruin it all...Too many Nigerian's come here, and so all business class sits are FULLY booked! Only ones open, are two weeks from now....Darn! :s