Thursday, July 17, 2008

So what's REALLY going on???

Ya so am out of Bi08! Don't expect get tears from me :P

If ya been following up with the Bi08 you would have heard, last week when 30+ asked us be careful with this cyber world of a thing...could say same thing that drove Desperate Lady, unNaked Soul, Soupasexy, Anu Boy away and others like Ugo Denials, Blk Wolf (My Twiny) Sinem, Zahratique, Pamela and 36'' just decided go on break, catch up with life's dilemmas and return...or they just simply too busy to have the energy again! What ever the case maybe, life has go on...Just know you guys are truly missed :(

But what REALLY is going it a bloggers-bloody jobless-hating on playa virus?

Don't hate the playa, hate the GAME!


Saturday, July 12, 2008

Is It Love...Is It Love That Am Feeling???

OMG you guys would NOT believe what has been going on with my crazy love life!!!! Met this really really really.... ('cute' is beyond the words, so let's leave that space in case they invent a better word, IF they do that is) anyways am thinking call off my wedding with HTB now...

Though is kinda crazy (like they all are), whys my love life always like this?? aaaaaarrrrrggggghhhh!

He is the sweetest thing ALIVE people!! And still haven't got say "love you too" to him yet!

But do I??????

(Watch out for my song on BI08 on Monday...oh ya, and to get feed back, VOTE for me as juicy gist o! No vote no story :P )

Friday, July 4, 2008

Lemme Just Update Jare....

Me gots no Tears no more...I don't know how get those voting thingys on up in here, to ask for ya opinions on whether or not I should change my name Tears to something more appealing - name suggestions are open - and Pammy dear vegetable aint an option please LOL! Please feel free drop name suggestion(s) and/or if you think I should just keep it, appreciated!

My love life's crazier than it ever was - My husband-To-Bes sweeter than he EVER was (aaaawwwww bless him) - My HiM is almost just as sweet, a tiny winy iny part of me still wants him back but...well there it is, the big BUT!!! - Am participating in Blogville Idols, totally gon suck, don't know how I got myself into it *still wondering - Having mad, but fun visits...Got bunch friends coming over in my just two weeks and four days here, got already like four here anyways!!!! First, Tallie's coming ina few days, so is Husband-To-Be (would be called HTB from now on). Another male friends coming NEXT week (ex-admirer, he a cutie might put up his pix :P), then a fellow blogger (which you ALL know) is coming too, infact make that two. Two bloggers coming, one male, one female, and two other random friends are coming (talk about partying??! *winks).

Guess that sums it exhausted!!! Oh and ya! Today's July 4th, a day for Americans...and my cousins birthday!!! Much Love Cuz!!

BTW feel free vote for me even if I SUCK and make you wanna puke!! :P