Thursday, April 9, 2009

What makes me sick...

.... SCHOOL something I should be over with two years ago...
SUMMER that reactivates my allergies...  
DEATH taking away my loved ones...
my DAD not giving my boyfriend a chance...
my MOM asking none stop when am getting married...
my BOYFRIEND that won't propose already... or come this Easter...
my EX's whom make me feel weak...
EVERYONE telling me what do...
especailly those telling me to be HOPFUL...
or WAIT!

Am DONE waiting!! Am done being PATIENT and what not!! S%#T drives me INSANE!!! And to top it all, NOT getting Easter break OR ANY break for that matter, till freaking HELL JULY!!
SOMEONE hand me a GUN!!!

ps.ONE thosuand FIVE hundred and FORTY five viewers from SIXTY two countries WORLD wide...not ONE follower...COM'N people! Don't be shy!!!!


LovePaprika said...

YES baby I just KISSED ur behind!!! following u like crazyyyyy lmao... I am dazed on the other hand...shit!! don't want to say anything 'wrong' xxx

LovePaprika said...

I am just too bad mehn I am first and second??? wow

Buttercup said...

im following u now!

awww sowee hon...i dont think anything i can say will change the different fact, nothing i can say will..

i'll just send a million hugs ur way!

Tears said...

lol...ummmm am lost, who's following who?!


@BC ya, am so SICK of those kind words too...they glitter but not gold...make you feel good for min, then disappear as sudden as they it appeared! But thnx for the hugs..they would help just as much :)


Anonymous said...

hey I love summer