I was bummed when my stepmom was preparing and all for her trip to Nigeria, and I couldn't go...Apparently all I had do was say the right words to popcy, pray, nag, ask with the sweetest/babyest voice I can find (almost faking a tear...) and vuwala! Accepted! Am going to Nigeria!!!!!!!!! First time in YEARS!!! Don't know what expect...Who's dating who? Who's doing what? Who’s married who? Who’s giving birth to what/who? Who’s eloped where? Who's eating/ate what/who?! LOL! What has changed so far? What has not! Abundant questions!!! Among many things am dying for, seeing HTB top's them ALL (been five months), spending the new currency as another (only saw it, but never spent it per se :P), drinking ALOT and enough mult's (a.k.a Multina - missed that thing like HELL!) till I can't any more, would also be seeing Tallie and HIM (coz he's flying in too - but made his plans before me o!)....anyhoos, am still packing and too excited sleep...only ONE thing seems to wan ruin it all...Too many Nigerian's come here, and so all business class sits are FULLY booked! Only ones open, are two weeks from now....Darn! :s