Saturday, August 9, 2008

A Lost Laugh

What more can one say?? You would be missed...

RIP Bernard Jeffrey McCullough (aka Bernie Mac)

Click on "say" for brief and his pic for full yourself, family, friends, pets, neighbors, milk boy (may sound lil funny) but ya just got show it when you can!!!




It really is a huge shame. And now, Isaac hayes has passed as well. May God have mercy on their souls and give strength to their loved ones.

blazing said...

sad yes but i like to see it in view of what they left behind-FOND MEMOS. I cant think of him-benie without a grin on my face from what he did or i say even though you have departed but still we smile.PEACE!

Anonymous said...

wow this is such a tragic lost....this is like another Robin Harris.

The next day is not promise to any of us and that should be our purpose in praying and thanking God for the next day.

Stay sweet,


Chris Ogunlowo said...

Rest in Peace, Bernie Mac.

Afrobabe said...

A really big loose...really liked him...