Friday, April 4, 2008

The Who's and The How's..

I know there are alot of girls that went through alot because of love. But i feel like am the only one that is going FUCKING insane of it...the shits WACK!
Lemme break it down to you...i've had two (plus recnt one, making it three) experiences of bad love in my life (not many enough to complain about right?well to me it is..).I never really fancy love much and all its fancy pancy stuffs...(what the HELL am i talking bout right?)well then lemme take some time to explain...
For YEARS i watched romantic movies,read about it,heard about it and watched how it tore the hearts,souls and spirits of its victims with its venomous claws...i was just then an aduience to these tragic scenes,never really intended to join the "gang". For eight years of knowing love and what's about,i choose to stay single (and one HELL of a scared one!) till the day i got in the Uni. I was SUCH a typical JJC then ( so my nigerian friends say!) BIG time!! make a long story even longer,i met my first boyfriend through a "friend" (so it seemed to me then...), lets call her Preicous (from the whole good and evil of the ring in the Lord of the Rings...) and we'ld call him Mr.Peanut (basically implied to emptyness of the brain!).
The very first time i saw Mr.Peanut,i had NO what so ever feelings for him, just thought he was kinda cute and all...nothing more, nothing lesser than more...We hung out every day, Preicous, Mr.Peanut, Precious' sister, Mr.Peanuts friend and me...we were a cool group (gosh those days...) Till one day Precious told me...hold up...actually she was trying use her second sense to get it out of me that i liked him (see why it was her second sense? coz it didn't work..) i kept obivously saying No to her, but she made it to some kinda CSI investigation and started using other tactics...which also never worked. He may have asked her to, coz he like prob thinks there's NO girl out there that would set eyes on him and NOT fancy him....but along came Tears and broke the hidious record...
So anyways, i told Precious what i felt then, that i just thought him to be cute and that was IT! not knowing that was the it she's been waiting for. She then tells me that he appearantly liked me...and asked me if i wanted to go out with him...and i asked her if he some how lost his voice and could only speak in sign language which he has yet to master and could in NO way communicate with anyone but her...some how...and therefore could not tell me this himself. She cracked and said "no", just that he confindes in her alot...and she took the liberty, on her own, to ask me coz she thought we could make a great couble...this SAME guy that broke up with her sister...(story for another day...the end gets better), i was like, "let him be a man and tell me his bloody self" (i hate when men do that...)
Weeks later he tells me in the most riduculious way i was like "you not trying hard enough"...coz for some bizarre reason, he made it sound like he would be doing me a favour by going out with the next time he tried (which was weeks later), it was more human and more respectful. then i just accepted with a nod...coz to tell you the turth, i developed feelings for him by then...which made my pride a lil weaker than usual....
So we started out well....three months later he becomes a big time ARSE!!Told me he was a playa and all about would change for me (lesson number one: NEVER believe a single letter a playa uses to form words with...all lies!!). He told me he didn't want losse me. Told me he has a secret to reveil...that he was a cultist...i never really knew what that was all about,he kinda had to break it down to me.What they do to babies (tooooo nasty for me to put back in words), when, how and to whom!!...i wasn't all that scared though...which i think he wanted me to...just wondered how nasty and heartless one could be (should have taken the hint right???...well) i was sooo blinded with love that nothing was visible for me... (Lesson number two: NEVER get weak in love!!)...

Gosh! am exhusated from all this be continued...sorry guys, girls gotta SLEEP!!


Today's ranting said...

you gotta update naa. I'm enjoying the flow.

Zayzee said...

i feel u. let it flow in the update abeg

Anu boy said...

yo..... nice one here...

take it easy oh, love will find you soon

Afrobabe said...

lol...hope ur fingers are well rested cos I am waiting for how MR peanut got the boot or did he threaten u???

Unknown said...

love sometimes sucks but you will be okay


The names we come up with for people on blogville. Now, "Mr. Peanut". lol!

Take it easy. This is my first time here. Will try to trace my way back.

Tears said...

@todays ranting...i wld very soon my dear

@uzezi...coming soon!


@afrobabe...they are, just still try gather myself here...he did'nt EXACTLy threatend me perse...u'ld see..

@pamela..ya it does! like all the time if u ask me...thnx thu!

@solomonsydelle...LOL! he deserved the name!wld be waiting...

darkelcee said...


you cant still be sleeping.

you gotta wake up and post the concluding story of Mr peanut.

lol @lesson number one: NEVER believe a single letter a playa uses to form words with...all lies!

Zayzee said...

where is the continuation

Tears said...

LOL! sori u guys...updates coming soon...just bout NOW actually!!!

desperate lady said...

O wow, thats some crazy stuff....u shud have flown away i tell ya....immediately u heard Cult, run....i dnt knw y u waited to hear..."ist"

Hun trust me love is very complicated, ur lucky uve had only 2 bad xpereince....u shud be glad its not 10

Tears said...

LOL @ DL!! u guys,my sever is acting not able update! anyone ready help shld hola!! Don't wan keep y'al waitn!!

Tears said...

aiit so the DAMN thing finally worked!!!