Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Search Stops..

Growing up I never really had the parenting love MOST kids get. I never had any friend I could call "friend" like someone we grew up with (tend to move alot), shared everything or simply the ONLY person you could turn to when nothing seems right (you know, that feeling when your best friends always there for you?) well I didn't have the previlegde to have or grow up with all that.... SO!
Well ya, I know alot people are like that, lonely and shit (even worst)...so I might as well suck it up, and live right? ya. well..I did...in fact I did for twenty-one YEARS! The only reason I chose act like I havn't, is bcoz I kinda GAVE up! (then why come to blogville? - coz I heard blogville's got alot L.O.V.E)...so I came have the FEEL! you knw, feel among! (already got some in my first comments...thnx u guys *blushing). When someone comes to blogville all s/he gotta do is post, post, post and...POST! it doesn't matter how crazily bazzarly annoyingly funnyingly stupidly intelligently geniusly insanily creative the person is, people would comment, love, care and on top all, take that EXTRA mile for you (a complete stranger!) So, don't get me wrong, am not here for anything more then the sweet warm ture feeling (hope so...) of the love thats been clouding blogville...and I know am just a DROP in the ocean, compared most people and their issues, but doesn't hurt to try does it?? is what I've been searching for... tried ALL my life..and damn it am I TIRED!!


Don said...

I feel this post. I too moved around alot when I was younger. I always left me with trying to fit in, with the new friends. That ish gets tiring.

I think blogging gives a mental connection. That may be the best way to describe it.

I hope you enjoy your experience.

Here is a blog post I once did, filled with alot of juicy blog links that you can check out. And interact with. If you'd like.


desperate lady said...

Hey welcome to blogville hun. Hope u fine good friends in blogville, there n good ones n there r bad ones so be careful ight.
Lookin 4ward 2 reading ur posts.

Tears said...

@ Don...the only good thing about moving around is meeting new kinds of people, makes you grow faster.Ya blogging does give you that mental connection with less difficulty, i hope i enjoy it too...i would love to check it out thnx...

@Desperate lady...thank u, would surly be carful...thnx and thnx for coming by!


Welcome babe. Take Desperate Lady's warning to heart. If you are nice and friendly to everyone (and keep away from the drama, because there is blogville drama, you know) you should be just fine!

Take care and let me know when you update, would you?


Tears said...

@ solo...ya i would, thnx...would let u knw *winks

Eve said...

seem like we both never had all those love.

Unknown said...


Pammy was here....:P

bllk wolf said...

tears:-(pulls car over)
wolfiee:-"howdy Ma'am"
tears:-(all trembling)"howdy Wolfiee"
wolfiee:-"so what brings u to this part of town?"
tears:-(stammers)"tot id hang out....ehm...i guess i lost my way officer"
wolfiee:-(nods head)"u aware Miss that u were "tresspassing" on private property?"
tears:-"ehm...ehm....i'm so sorry officer"
wolfiee:-"i see, but why u all shaken Miss...nevermind, don't answer that question. wanna grab a bite and see my cave"?
tears:-(eyes lights up)sure do
wolfiee:-"hope u wouldn't mind leaving ur car behind and hopping on my bike"?
tears"-"that shouldn't be a problem"
...riding into the distance, and they both live......ever after....


Tears said...

@eve...shame isnt it? we get over it thu!
@pammy...i saw u gurl...knw u wan an update...coming SOON!
LOL @ wolfie...u don com? (twin *winks)

Unknown said...

It is well gurl

AaaDee said...

Welcome to BlogWorld..Wish you get lots of happiness in life !!

Anonymous said...

awww..welcome to blogsville darling... i used to move around as a kid alot..went to like 6 different high schools... the names and faces have become a blur... but it gets better and you figure it out as you go along.. heres a hug and a warm welcome sweetie... keep your head up and keep em coming

Thirty + said...

You are welcome to blogville.

Tears said...

well thnx u guys....feeling the love right here!! :D

UnNaked Soul said...

welcome to blogger ;-)

Chari said...

awwwww.....gawsh...that almost made cry...cry ko cry ni...welcome to blogville...Its sweet fun and sometimes full of drama...ur welcome to join ma blog family...if u like...

@ DL...baby-winks u jus had to get here b4 me ryt? *hisses*