If ya been following up with the Bi08 you would have heard, last week when 30+ asked us be careful with this cyber world of a thing...could say same thing that drove Desperate Lady, unNaked Soul, Soupasexy, Anu Boy away and others like Ugo Denials, Blk Wolf (My Twiny) Sinem, Zahratique, Pamela and 36'' just decided go on break, catch up with life's dilemmas and return...or they just simply too busy to have the energy again! What ever the case maybe, life has go on...Just know you guys are truly missed :(
But what REALLY is going on...is it a bloggers-bloody jobless-hating on playa virus?
Don't hate the playa, hate the GAME!
But what REALLY is going on...is it a bloggers-bloody jobless-hating on playa virus?
Don't hate the playa, hate the GAME!